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An exploration on living harmoniously, inspired by Abraham, the common ancestor of Muslims, Christians and Jews

Paul G. Chandler

Today’s climate of increasing prejudice and stereotyping, which has resulted in the rise of tribalism, populist nationalism, anti-Semitism and renewed anti-Muslim sentiment, must be prevented from becoming the new norm.  It is in this context that Abraham’s life, a spiritual figure of distinct significance within the three primary monotheistic faith traditions, Islam, Christianity and Judaism, has much to teach us about welcoming and embracing the “other.”  In these three faith traditions, whose followers are referred to as “children of Abraham,” the figure of Abraham is seen as a model of hospitality – of welcoming the “stranger” and embracing the "other." 

“Living Under Abraham’s Tent” is an illustrated presentation that focuses on what we can learn from Abraham's story about living together more harmoniously. What can Abraham teach us today toward freeing our world from sectarian strife? That is the question this presentation seeks to answer.

Qais Al Sindy - Welcoming the Stranger.JPG
Qais Al Sindy, Welcoming the Stranger, 2019, Oil and collage on canvas

Artwork: The presentation builds on CARAVAN’s peacebuilding exhibition titled “ABRAHAM: Out of One, Many,” featuring artwork by three celebrated Middle Eastern contemporary artists from the faith traditions of Islam (Sinan Hussein), Christianity (Qais Al Sindy) and Judaism (Shai Azoulay) that interpret Abraham’s life and faith journey for us today, serving as a guide toward creating cultures of peace, harmony, justice and healing – as descendants of a shared heritage.

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