A l'horloge j'ai suspendu mes nuits,
J'ai accroché mes rêves,
Rêves d'errance,
Mes promenades, mes sorties, mes danses,
Mes envies de lumières...
Dans l'horloge j'ai laissé vivre l'espoir,
Dans une fleur bleue, j'ai caché mes souvenirs,
J'ai peint de mon âme le temps qui se fane,
Rendu mon coeur à l'heure perdue,
J'ai donné mes couleurs, donné mes malheurs
Et les yeux à la fenêtre, j'ai attendu.
On the clock I suspended my nights,
I hung my dreams,
Dreams of wandering,
My walks, my outings, my dances,
My desires for lights...
In the clock I let live hope,
In a blue flower, I hid my memories,
I painted with my soul the time that fades,
Rendering my heart at the lost time,
I gave my colors, given my misfortune
And eyes at the window, I waited.
Sarah B. Harnafi is a Moroccan and French illustrator and photographer. After studying in France and Italy, Sarah decided to settle in Morocco. She discovered in a new way Moroccan art, crafts and culture and fell in love with the country. While wandering the streets of the Moroccan cities, she realized her first photobook “Streets of Morocco,” and the art project “La Terre S’envole.” This project, highlighting Moroccans, aims to soften the approach one has during a walk in the streets. The challenge she has set herself is to bring lyricism to a society where poetry is rarely read, The series was exhibited in London in the P21 Gallery and in Madrid at Casa Arabe. Her recent work “L’horloge suspendue” is now part of the virtual exhibition “#PopArtvsCovid” at Casa Arabe. Today she exhibits her art, both photographs and digital artworks, in Paris where she lives and works.